For many people, getting a year older is not a reason for celebration, but in our house, it is another wonderful milestone passed.
Today is my husband’s birthday…on this day three years ago, he was going downhill fast, and his doctors and I were getting very worried.
Little did I know that just two weeks later, we would get the call and our future looked bright once again.
My regular readers will have seen the photo on the left before, which was taken on his birthday three years ago…and on the right is how he looks now.
What a difference a liver transplant and three years can do…see how yellow the whites of his eyes were back then!
He doesn’t want anything particular for his birthday…which make it hard to know what to get him.
But he feels he has already received the best present someone who has suffered with the autoimmune disease (PSC) can ever want…a second chance at life.
And it is all thanks to his donor and the amazing medical staff who looked after him.
To be honest, he is now looking better than ever, but he does work at it…up at 5am, walks the dogs, then often goes to the gym before work.
We eat a very healthy diet and enjoy finding new things to eat that tick all the required boxes…dairy free, sugar free, wheat free…
I am so proud of him and am in awe of his inner strength and resolve…he will not allow anything to make him deviate from doing all he can to keep himself healthy and happy…despite the ribbing and teasing he often gets from family, friends and work colleagues.
Because he has experienced what it was like to almost die, and is well aware he is one of the lucky ones…not only did he get a liver, but was also strong enough to survive the transplant, and the subsequent recovery.
And because of all that, he is now celebrating another birthday today…and I for one am very glad he is!
Happy birthday my love!
Have you celebrated a milestone birthday? Share your story in the comments below!
Happy B’day Jas! George and Karm.
Happy Belated Birthday!!