Julia Watson is a wife and a mother of four beautiful girls…and she has terminal cancer.
Diagnosed in December 2013 with stage 4 terminal bowel and liver cancer, Julia has written Breakfast, School Run, Chemo about her experiences since that fateful day.
If I am honest, this book scares me in that I too always had a sense that I would experience “the thing”…first I thought it was my husband needing and thankfully getting, a liver transplant.
Then I thought it was my brush with thyroid cancer…all is now well but I still can’t shake that feeling.
Julia had that same feeling…but unfortunately, her “thing” turned into something much worse.
Cancer itself scares the living bejeezes out of me…always has.
Oh, and I also have a pathological fear of vomiting like Julia…and yes, that was one of the first things that worried me when I got diagnosed…that and losing my hair.
But my cancer was slow growing and caught early…apart from surgery and meds, that’s all I have had to deal with so far.
Julia, on the other hand, has been to hell and back…the full monty…major surgeries which includes liver resections plus chemo and other medical interventions as war is declared on her cancer.
But despite the subject, this book is not morbid…her writing is easy to read, mixing information about her cancer and what has been done, with the ups and downs of family life.
And she tells the facts as they are…no sugar coating.
One section interested me about what not to tell cancer patients…many of these points apply to those waiting for transplants, especially number 3 about how some obscure cure will fix everything.
I must admit, I almost wasn’t brave enough to read this book, but I am glad I did, because Julia is one hell of a woman!
She is facing what cancer throws at her with determination and a touch of good old fashioned Aussie humour.
And she ain’t going anywhere without a fight!
I read recently on Facebook that she has returned to the chemo chair for second line chemo, and she reveals that she had a total melt down that night after the treatment.
It is another reminder of the toll cancer causes to both the patient and their loved ones.
I recommend everyone should read this so you get a first person ball by ball description of what it is like to be living with terminal cancer.
And if you have experienced what cancer can do, then you will understand when I say we should all join in the fight to eradicate cancer…beat it’s butt in all its forms.
Because no-one should have to deal with the ravages of cancer…not even a worst enemy.
Julia…it is so hard to know what to say but I hope your medical team can find that magical combination to keep your cancer at bay.
I hope that they can give you quality of life and provide comfort in times of pain…both physically and emotionally.
Your journey may becoming somewhat rough, but let me tell you…you are amazing and I wish I had come to meet you when you were in Melbourne!
Thank you for sharing your story.
Breakfast, School Run, Chemo by Julia Watson is available from all good bookshops and online.
A proportion of the proceeds from each copy will be donated to the Jodi Lee Foundation.
Julia also writes about her experiences on her blog…Five Fairies and a Fella.
Thank you for the review, very much appreciated and glad you enjoyed the book x